Hoorah! I've been verbally spanked by Sydney's version of Andrew Bolt, the conservative sexual predator Mr Piers Ackerman, over my part in awarding the John Curtin Prize - the Victorian Premier's Literary Award for Journalism - to Richard Flanagan for his passionate polemic in
The Monthly last year. Finally, I can die happy!
Well if you’re going to be criticised by a toad, go for one of the toadyist toads around I say.
Journalism used to be about grammer too, Mr Toad ended the sentence mentiong you with a preposition!
I think you should print that out and frame it.
Wow, I'm certain now you are going to be getting offers from Hollywood to make guest appearances in CSL: MIAMI and 90210.
Congratulations! You know you must be doing something right when you piss off people like him.
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